When the Foundation for Civic Leadership incubates a project, we usually support it through various stages of development over the course of three to five years.
Strategic Programs
In this stage, FCL staff and consultants explore compelling ideas that fill gaps in the field to see if they’re feasible and sketch out what it would take to implement them at scale.
Contracted Projects
After an idea has been initially sketched out, FCL continues to add detail and vision with a partner organization that has capacity and an aligned mission. If the organization decides to fully adopt the program, FCL provides funding and creative input for initial staffing and early program implementation.
Graduated Programs
When a partner takes responsibility for leading a program, the Foundation for Civic Leadership takes a step back from the day-to-day operations and sometimes continues to support the program with funding, in-kind staff support, and occasional participation in strategic visioning. As the program matures and starts to get to scale, FCL’s focus turns to supporting efforts to build the fundraising and earned revenue pipelines that will make the program sustainable over time.
Institutional Partnerships
Institutional partnerships have included:

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